I’ve been dreading today for a while now. Today was the day I had to tell my principal and coworkers that I am not returning next year, that I am moving to Uganda. Part of me is always excited to tell people what I am doing, and part of me is afraid about what their response will be. My concern over what others think of me (which I am learning is very revealing of my self-centeredness) gave me anxiety with today’s task. I have been praying about this for a while, what I would say, and how I would say it. Well my principal’s response to me was WAY above and beyond what I dared imagine. God went so above and beyond in answering my prayers. The support, encouragement, and genuine excitement my principal had for me was so precious. My co-workers excitement was also way above and beyond what I imagined it would be. I will miss my school when I leave in June, I’ll miss my co-teachers, and I know I’ll really miss all of the resources at my disposal. However, I can’t contain my excitement abut moving to Uganda. I love that Jesus has called me there! I am SO excited to teach the Johnson kiddos. I am just imagining all of the fun we will have doing kindergarten and second grade. Certainly life in Uganda will also be hard. Satan doesn’t want our team there, and recently he has been on the attack. God is sovereign and surely has a reason for all that is happening right now to my teammates. You can read about it
here and
here. Please pray for the team, that God will bring them through these trials with a stronger faith. And praise the Lord that He is adding to the little team in Bundibugyo, slowly but surely.