Monday, June 13, 2011

Final Week at Thalia

3 1/2 days, that's how long I have left as a 4th grade teacher at Thalia. I'm sure I'll cry on Friday...tears of sadness and tears of joy. When teachers leave Thalia they get to leave their handprint outside of their classroom door. Today as the art teacher came to get me so I could leave my handprint a wave of emotions came over me...sadness, excitement for the next phase of life... I've learned so much from this class of 9 &10 year olds, and they will forever remain precious to me.

This is a slideshow of my little cuties :)
Ms. Stephens' 4th Grade 2010-2011 Slideshow

1 comment:

Allison said...

Last time I skyped you, it was 42 days until the end of the semester?? How did that happen?
And how did you get through your first year? Seems like you just started.