Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The electricity project in the village

Traditional Honduran stove

Beach in La Ceiba

The Pettengills have two guys staying with them from Baylor. They are engineers and have been working on installing electricity in a village about and hour outside of La Ceiba. The village has 35 houses and 23 of them now have electricity because of this project. Yesterday I got to tag along with them out to the village. It was so cool to see the work they are doing (I don't think I totally understand it all, but I do know that 23 houses have power)! It was fun to drive out of the city a bit and see some more rural parts of Honduras. At one point it started to rain and we had to get out and push the car up a dirt hill.
I will post some pictures of the project. It is run by a waterfall. Last week lighting struck the converter? or something like that, so for a week they have been using the backup generator. So yesterday and today the engineers are working with the locals to fix whatever is wrong. The goal of the project is for it to be self-sustaining. They are training the locls to run the equipment and the people in the village even pay a small fee so that the project can be self-sustaining rather than run on donated money. The long term goal is to put the same system in several hundred more villages over the next 5 years. There are also plans to install water purification systems in several places as well.
I will post some pictures so you can see the project.

1 comment:

Allison said...

That is cool they are getting some electricity set up! And fun adventures with the car. I'm thankful we don't need to do that too often!
See you soon. Oh, I'm working Saturday when you're coming home. Overtime...!!